Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter! (a day late)

We hope everyone had a great Easter. Chris had to work so it was just me and the boys for most of the day. We finally got to play with bubbles outside and enjoy all of our new Easter goodies. The Easter Bunny was very good to us!

On a side note C is now 8 months old! He is scooting all over the place, so the gate had to get put back out. He's not crawling yet, but today he was up rocking on his hands and knees, so I'm sure it won't be long.

J has been potty training and doing a great job. Today was his first day at daycare in underwear, and he stayed dry all day!!! He even let us know he needed to go potty at home without reminders!! We are so proud of him.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

So Proud

Today, we were home all day and decided to put J in underwear and see how he would do. We only had one accident! He is loving the underwear and even at nap and bedtime insists on having them over his pull-up.

On a side note it has been raining all day here, which we were told would be bad for the flooding situation, but apparently it's not. According to all of the websites, the river is going down. After hearing about the flood coming for so long now, it feels like there should have been more to it than that. Oh well.

And because posts are no fun with out photos, here is a pic of J and C hanging out.